Monday, November 29, 2010

Guidelines & Principles To Ensure A Happier Today And Tomorrow (Part 7 of 7)


If we acquire knowledge but do not sincerely apply what we have learned, we will have only increased our conceit.  What then will we become?

If we are sincere in what we are doing but not acquiring knowledge, we will only be stubbornly following our viewpoints.  We will never see the truth.

When studying, our mind, eyes, and mouth must be focused on our learning.
All three must be wholeheartedly dedicated to learning.
When reading a book, do not contemplate another.
If we have not completed one, do not start another.


In our studies, we should set a reasonable timetable and then study hard. With enough time and effort,
we will thoroughly understand the text.

If we have a question, we should make a note of it.
Then ask a person who knows the answer.

We should keep our room clean, our desk tidy, and our pens and pencils in their proper places.

If we do not properly care for our writing tools, it shows carelessness.
If our words are written sloppily, it shows disrespect.

Books should be organized and placed on the bookshelves in their proper places.
After reading a book, we should put it back where it belongs.

Even when in a hurry, we should carefully put our book away.
If it is damaged, we should repair it.

o not read books that are untruthful or immoral,
for these will block our wisdom and undermine our aspirations.

e should not, because of our arrogance, harm ourselves by doing something improper.
We should not, because of our lack of confidence, give up on ourselves.
With effort, we will gradually become a noble person.