Sunday, November 28, 2010

Guidelines & Principles To Ensure A Happier Today And Tomorrow (Part 5 of 7)



Love all beings, for we all live under the same sky and are supported by the same earth.


A person of good character is highly respected.
Respect is not based on external appearances.

A capable person will naturally have a good reputation.
People are not won over by boasting or self-praise.

If we are good at something, we should be willing to use that ability to benefit others.
When we feel others are more competent than us, we should not criticize or slander them for being so.

Neither flatter the rich nor despise the poor.
Neither ignore old friends nor take delight in only new ones.

When others are busy, do not bother them.
When they are troubled, do not make things worse by talking unnecessarily.

We should neither expose the shortcomings of others nor disclose their private matters.

Gossiping about the wrongdoings of others is in itself wrong.
When we slander another excessively, we too will suffer harm and great misfortune.

By mutually encouraging one another to do good, both of us will improve our characters.
By not advising one another to correct our respective faults, our characters will diminish.

When giving and receiving, we should be clear in what we are doing.
It is better to give more and receive less.

Before we ask others to do something, we should first ask ourselves if we would do it.
If not, then we should not ask others to do it.

We should repay the kindness of others; we should let go of our anger.
Spend less time holding grudges and more time repaying kindness.

When we interact with people who serve us, we should act in ways that inspire respect.
And while being dignified and proper is important, it is also important to be kind and generous.

If we force others to do as we wish, they will silently rebel.
But if we convince them with sound reasoning, they will happily agree without complaining.

It is good to praise the virtuous actions of others.
Knowing that they are being praised, people will be encouraged to do better.