Sunday, October 31, 2010

Guidelines & Principles To Ensure A Happier Today And Tomorrow (Part 1 of 7)

When our parents call us, we should answer them right away.
When they tell us to do something, we should do it promptly.
When our parents instruct us, we should listen respectfully.
When they scold us, we should sincerely accept what they say.

We should make sure that our parents are warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
In the morning, we should greet them and show them that we care.
At night, we should make sure that they are resting comfortably.

Before going out, we should let our parents know. When we return, we should tell them we are back.
We should lead a routine life, and we should not be constantly changing our mind in whatever we do.

Even when a matter is trivial, we should not act without permission or just do as we please.
If we do so, then we are no longer a dutiful child.

We should not hide any possession, no matter how small, from our parents.
If we do, they will feel hurt.

When something pleases our parents and is proper, we should try our best to provide it for them.

When something displeases them, we should remove it.

If we injure ourselves, we will make our parents worry.
If we do something unvirtuous, they will feel ashamed.

When our parents love us, it is easy to be respectful and loving.
When they do not love us, respecting and loving them means we have a noble heart.

If our parents do something wrong, we should urge them to change.
Do so with a kind expression and caring voice.

Should our parents not accept our advice, try again when they are in a better mood.

If they still do not listen, our sincere tears will show them how deeply we care.
Should they get angry with us, do not hold it against them.

When our parents are ill, we should make sure that they take the right medicine.
Care for them night and day, and do not leave them alone.

For three years after our parent’s passing, we should remember them in sadness.
We should live simply and not adorn our home. Avoid merry-making, meat, and alcohol.
We should arrange our parent’s funeral in a proper manner.

We should always honor them as if they were still alive and,
especially on the anniversary of their death, remember them with a sincere heart.