Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Why go veggie

If you’re looking for information about being young and veggie then go to this website: http://www.youngveggie.org/

The main reasons why people go vegetarian are:

Compassion for farmed animals
The majority of people become vegetarian because they believe it is wrong to kill animals for food and because they are opposed to the cruelty and pain inflicted upon the billions of farmed animals. The process of getting a piece of ‘meat’ onto an individual’s dinner plate is the result of much stress and suffering for any animal.

A lot of people find it particularly upsetting to view images or even to read about the average life experience of a farmed animal. It’s not pleasant and it can make for a stomach-churning read, but hopefully enough to put anybody off their roast beef or pork chops!

A vegetarian diet is known to have a wide range of health benefits. Research shows that eating a well-balanced, low-fat and high-fiber vegetarian diet may reduce the chances of suffering from certain cancers (e.g. colon cancer), heart disease, diabetes and obesity. Vegetarian diets have also been used in the treatment of various illnesses, including rheumatoid arthritis and Type 2 diabetes. More recent research has indicated that vegetarians appear more ‘health conscious’ than non-vegetarians.

What we choose to eat is one of the biggest factors in our personal impact on the environment. A meat-based diet requires more energy, land and water resources than a vegetarian diet. Worldwide, farmed animals produce more greenhouse gas emissions than the entire transport system!

Going vegetarian is an easy way to lower your own environmental impact and help ensure worldwide food security.

Other reasons
As meat can be expensive, some individuals may choose to be vegetarian as meat substitutes, pulses/nuts, etc. are cheaper. Some people may live with others who are already vegetarian and will soon find it easier to adopt this diet. There are other people who simply do not like the taste, texture or idea of eating meat!